Saturday, May 28, 2005


At approximately 9:54 this morning, my little brother took his first unaided steps! Mom and Dad couldn't grab the camera quite fast enough, but he was super excited* about achieving this milestone. And don't you worry, folks, I'm right behind him.

* Okay, I lied. He couldn't care less. But he was excited about something when Mom snapped this picture.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Today is our 15-month birthday. Just one more month, and we'll be able to drive! Oh, wait. No. Still, it's an exciting day because we're feeling better by the minute. And if we do say so ourselves, we're looking older by the minute too. It's also possible that we're looking more alike again (I'm on the left). What do you think?

P.S. Happy Birthday Aunt Marjorie!

Monday, May 23, 2005


Here's the latest health news. First Wyn was diagnosed with bronchiolitis, then I got croup. Translation for those of you who don't have any little 'uns: lower respiratory yucchiness for everyone! While Wyn is much better, I'm still barking like a seal periodically. (This may sound like a fun way to pass the time, but it's not.) Anyway...we hope to be back to our dirt-eating, grass-pulling, furniture-moving selves very soon. In the meantime, we're glad to hear that Grandpa Paul is doing well after his bypass surgery, and we're keeping him in our prayers.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

back to nature, part deux

Tired of fruits and vegetables and other so-called "foods," this morning I embarked on a quest for something new to satisfy my sophisticated tastes. And man oh man, did I find it at the park. It began with what Dad calls "mulch" and what I call "trail mix." I spit all of it right out, but then...

I discovered something brown and squishy, and so very earthy. Before Mom could say, "ohnostophimhe'seatingdiiiiiirrrrr-" I looked like this:

I say, if it's good enough for worms, it's good enough for Wynston Lipsey. Who's with me?

Note: Readers who said to themselves, "Wow, that's almost a mullet!" after looking at Saturday's picture of Wynston will be glad to know that the boys received their first haircut yesterday.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

back to nature

We just returned from a fantastic trip to our lakeside park, where we touched and pulled on the grass, broke small sticks into many smaller pieces and generally just let the wind run through our hair. It's so nice to have a day off, you know, what with Wyn and I working so hard during the week. (That's my brother holding the sippy cup.)

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

will scribble for food

Zak and I have officially begun our instruction in the fine art of scribbling. So far, my brother's approach has been to purposefully set the crayons down on the paper, quickly pull away his hands, and then...wait. He's sure that if he holds out long enough, the marks will appear. I prefer to wave the crayons around, drawing on the air if you will, as my talent cannot be limited to the physical limitations of a crummy piece of paper. Can't you see the disdain on my face? Either that, or I'm not as far past the paper-eating stage as Mom and Dad thought.

Monday, May 09, 2005

great grandma, great aunt, great time!

Oh, what a weekend! We got to see Great Grandmother Kelmel and Great Aunt Sharrie, who stopped by as part of their wild 'n' crazy cross-country roadtrip. Due to our unsuccessful Kansas City trip last Thanksgiving, it was the first time we met our Great Grandma! So, this visit was especially meaningful to us. (Pictured from left to right are Sharrie, me, Wyn and Grandma.)

Since Sunday also happened to be Mother's Day, we took everyone to lunch in Evanston. There are four generations in this photo; pretty amazing, huh? There just aren't enough words to tell you how wonderful this weekend was for us. Thank you so much for visiting us Great Grandmother Kelmel and Great Aunt Sharrie! We miss you, and we hope to see you again very, very soon.

Friday, May 06, 2005


Just want to show off: a) our new summer jammies, and 2) our gigantic, flat, daddy-like feet. Love, Wyn (that's me on the left)

P.S. Stay tuned for news regarding two VIP visitors this weekend!

Thursday, May 05, 2005

wake up! it's playtime.

Zak here, reporting from the side of Wyn's crib. Today I'd like to tell you about another game we really enjoy playing. It's called "Sliding Toys Between the Slats." Here's how it works: after Wyn and I wake up, Mom picks me up and sets me down in front of Wyn's crib. I immediately grab a toy that was thrown overboard during our nap (there are usually a few little ones in there for in-crib entertainment) . Then I push it back into Wyn's crib through the slats. As you might guess, my brother then throws the toy out again. This little cycle can continue for quite awhile, and it works when Wyn gets up first too. Go ahead, try it yourself with your own twin brother or sister. You'll love it!