Sunday, July 08, 2007

liberty for all (including balloons)

Okay, so it's the 8th of July and we're just now filling you in on our July 4th celebrations. Better late than never, right? Anyway, check out the elegant, understated headwear that Wynston and I created for the occasion.

Here we are making our way to the annual not-very-exciting but-we-keep-going-anyway parade in Oak Park. The event was made much more thrilling by the two orange balloons that Cousin Sam gave us. Keep your eye on them...

Wynston helped Aunt Marjorie cross the street safely. Stop, look both ways, and go!

Some of the people marching in the parade threw candy at us. So we threw it back.

Remember those orange balloons? In honor of the holiday, Wynston set his free. I followed suit soon can see the tiny orange dot above the trees.

The entire clan was amazed by how high our balloons went. Wyn and I tried to talk Sam into liberating his balloon too, but he was having none of it. Maybe next year!


Anonymous grandma said...

Love the hats! I'll be watching the skies for those orange balloons. Looks like a great day for all - see you soon.

7/10/2007 4:00 PM  

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