Sunday, June 03, 2007

our new second home

Although not too many people knew about it, the new splash pad at Andersen Park finally opened this weekend. You may remember that the park re-opened waaaaay last September, but the splash pad wasn't ready. Then the park district tried to fire it up Memorial Day weekend, only to discover two major leaks. So, they re-dug up a bunch of grass and replaced part of the pipeline. (We didn't mind, because we got to watch an excavator and two bulldozers at work. Yeah, tax dollars!) Anyway, we absolutely love it. The pics don't show all its fountainous glory: there's one giant shower-like contraption in the center, with several smaller spouts like this one around it. Since all this magnificence is right across the alley from us, we'll be spending a lot of time here this summer, along with hundreds of other kids, I'm sure.

As a side note, we decided to re-brand our blog. While we still are, as a matter of fact, identical twin brothers, whenever anyone says to us, "Are you twins?" we have the same (somewhat indignant) answer. "We're not twins. We're Zak and Wynston!!"


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