Friday, September 08, 2006

potent quotables

Wyn and I have recently been alerted to the fact that we are not keeping you up-to-date on all the funny and/or cute things we say. So here ya go.

"Song all done!" - Wyn, loudly, during a solo in church.
"More Katherine please." - Zak or Wyn (can't remember) a few days after leaving NC.
"Good cold milk for Zak." - Wyn, placing a new, full cup on the table.
"'Scuse me." - Wyn, to a small bush he ran into.
"A clue! A clue!" - Wyn and Zak in unison, looking at a drawing of little paw-shaped dirt clouds. (Watch Blue's Clues sometime if you don't get it.)
"Zak's turn next!!" - Zak, anytime he wants to do what Wyn is doing.
"Zak's turn next!!" - Wyn, anytime he wants to do what Zak is doing.
"T-I-M-E-O-U-T." - Wyn, reading the letters on a little bench at a friend's house.
"Bunterfly flies!!" - Zak, anytime he sees a bunterfly.
"Two men airplane flies." - Wyn, watching a jet overhead. (?)
"Push button." - Zak, to Wyn, who was trying to figure out how to make a toy firetruck light up.
"Please do not hit me with your bus." - Daddy, to Zak.
"Hi, boy!" - Wyn, to our kind (short-haired) neighbor Joan.
"Fik it!!" - Wyn and Zak, many times a day, wanting something to be "fixed."
"I poo-pooed in fresh diaper." - Wyn or Zak, alerting us to what may or may not be poop in what may or may not be a fresh diaper.
"I dropped my [insert item here]!!" - Wyn and Zak, millions of times a day, immediately after throwing [insert item here].


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