Sunday, February 26, 2006

the big day (or, two kids turn two)

Yesterday, Wyn and I woke up to find some splendid new markers waiting for us in the kitchen. Well, what do you know. It turns out that February 25th is our birthday! Kind of a surprise to us, if you want to know the truth. But everyone else seemed to know about it because we got all kinds of cool gifts, and some of our favorite folks even came over to help us celebrate.

Little did we know that while we ate our breakfast and got dressed, there were two very big presents lurking downstairs...

"Truck! Truck! Truck! Truck! Truck! Truck! Truck! Truck!"
"Not quite, Zak. It's a bicycle. Can you say bicycle?"

Wyn's reaction wasn't quite as boisterous, but he must've really dug those handlebars because he wouldn't let go of them for anything. As of 9:30 a.m., it looked like we were a bit too short to ride our new trucks/bicycles, but that notion was shattered later in the day. (Note: this may be the first use of foreshadowing in our blog. Aren't our literary skills maturing right before your eyes?)

Soon thereafter some of our peeps showed up to play with us. Wooo! As you can see here, Uncle Stephan sure knows how to toss around a two-year-old. He must've had some practice.

After lunch, Cousin Sam tapped into the mysterious powers of this "magic wand." First he turned our daddy into a monkey, then a bear. Later he made a cupcake disappear!

Our friend Hunter also demonstrated his magic wand technique for his mom and dad, a.k.a. Colleen and Terry.

Ohhhhhh! So that's why Mommy's been trying to teach us how to blow all week. With Aunt Marjorie's help, I ended up doing a pretty good puff/blow combination on my birthday candles. Wyn just let Mom do the work for him.

My brother gobbled down that cupcake like nobody's business. Me, I only liked the cakey part.

Our new pal Joshua hasn't yet reached the legal age for cupcake consumption, so he just hung out with his daddy Jay, of Jay and Mary Beth fame. Thanks to all our friends who celebrated with us. Our new books are awesome!

I decided to have another go at my truck/bicycle after naptime. And lo and behold, I was able to sit on it and push myself all around the house, backwards and forewards, with Mom or Dad holding on mostly as a precaution. (Wyn hung back and watched my progress.) It's possible that my legs grew during the day, but I think just wearing shoes really made a difference. By summertime, my brother and I are going to be zipping around like a couple of professionals! A huge thank-you to Grandpa Launnie and Grandma Pat, Grandma and Grandpa Lipsey, Grandma Betty and Grandpa Paul, and Great Grandma Linn for the two most incredible presents two 2-year-olds could ask for! Thank you so very, very, very, very much!!!

For our birthday dinner, Mom and Dad took us to our favorite restaurant of late, Russell's Barbeque. We may be the only 2-year-olds on earth who love, love, love barbeque sauce. We dip our hamburgers in it, and our french fries, and our fruit, and more and more often our fingers. Yum, yum. Must be that Kansas City heritage coming through!

What an awesome, incredible birthday. Thank you to everyone for all of our great presents and cards. We'll be making lots of masterpieces with our neat new art supplies, so stay tuned.


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