Tuesday, November 22, 2005

no place to hang a "do not disturb" sign, either

As you may know, we live in an old house. And in old houses, things happen. For instance: doorknobs break and come out of their sockets. You may also be aware of the fact that Wyn and I love to open and close doors. So it was statistically inevitable that one or both of us would, at some point, lock ourselves in a room. Say, the bathroom. Say, at approximately 10:15 this morning. While Mom made a frantic call to the mechanical engineer in the family ("Jim! Come home! It's Wyn! Come home! He's locked himself in the bathroom! Come home!"), she ran downstairs to retrieve a pair of pliers from the tool bucket. Despite her hysteria, it only took Mom about 10 seconds to free my brother from the bathroom, where he was sitting on the floor sorting bath toys. Happy as a clam, I might add. The moral of the story? If you want some privacy in the loo, don't come to the Lipsey house.

P.S. We'll be on hiatus for the next few days as we fly to North Carolina to visit Daddy's side of the family. So...Happy Thanksgiving to all our family and friends. We love you!


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