Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Wow. We knew our first Halloween in the 'burbs would be exciting, but dude! We had no idea. People really go all out here, with fog machines and giant inflated spiders and creepy music. Mom and Dad gave out eight bags of candy in less than two hours before sprinting inside, turning out all the lights and cowering in the basement. We've never seen anything like it in all our days. And of course, once again, our costumes were a big hit. Thank you so much Grandma and Grandpa Lipsey!

What big googly eyes you have, Elmo.

If you look closely, you can see Eeyore attempting to loot our neighbor's yard display. Bad donkey! Bad!

After a trip around the block, we headed back to the ranch to check out our bounty. Zak especially liked the empty candy wrappers that he picked up from the sidewalk. Now those are worth something. Halloween rocks! Only 364 days 'til next year...


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