Thursday, July 07, 2005

oh my goodness! we moved.

Sorry we've been gone so long. But Wyn and I have been extremely busy getting ourselves moved from Rogers Park in Chicago to Oak Park. It's been quite a wild ride, and believe me, we're not really settled yet. Nevertheless, we wanted to take a break from unpacking to give you an update.

In addition to many fantastic features that we didn't have before, including a yard, a front porch and a covered patio, our new house came with exact replicas of the furniture in our old place. Weird!

Our house also came with a few bonus items, one of which you see in the picture above. That's right...kitties! Daddy named this one Infestation 3 (yes, there's a 1 and a 2). The kitties don't seem to realize they've moved. It may not help that the people who used to live here relocated only two blocks away. We really enjoy watching the furry little creatures, even if Daddy won't let us feed them. Yesterday Wyn saw Infestation 1 hanging around on the deck and promptly quipped, "Meow."

One of the best things about our new house is this park. It's right across the alley from us, so Mom and Dad have no excuse but to take us there at least once a day.

Unfortunately, in our absence we missed Grandma Betty's birthday (she's 35, apparently). So Happy Birthday Grandma! We also didn't get to tell everyone about our time with Grandma Lipsey, who watched us while Mom and Dad finished packing and went to the closing. Suffice it to say that we had a great time, and we can't wait to see her again.

That's the scoop for now. We'll return to our regularly scheduled blogging in the next couple of days. Love you all!


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