Monday, December 20, 2004

fun, fun, fun with grandma betty

Since we didn't get to go to Kansas City for Thanksgiving, we invited Grandma Betty up here for an early Christmas. It was soooooo good to see her. As an added bonus, she brought lots of new toys for us to fight over.

Here we are taking a break from dinner to educate Grandma on the finer points of playing patty-cake. Notice our special two-prong teaching technique: Wyn demonstrates the actual hand motions while I offer helpful verbal instructions. No, Grandma. Lead with your right hand.

Sunday night, Mom and Grandma gave us our first simultaneous bath. Daddy took lots of pictures of the actual event, but Mom wants to save those for our first dates (which apparently will happen when we're 21). Do you like my pose? I was going for a Reverse-Heisman-Trophy-Meets-Michelangelo's-The Creation-of-Adam sort of thing.

Oh, and one other thing. In celebration of Grandma's visit, I decided to abandon the old army crawl and switch to 100% real crawling. Gooooo, me! Thanks for coming to see us Grandma Betty. We love you!


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